How to Get a Loan
2. Investors commit funds to your loan
Once your listing is active on Prosper, lenders will be able to view and invest in your listing. At any time in this funding process, you can see the progress of your loan's funding.
The listing will stay active until either it is fully funded or the 14 day listing period ends. If it does not receive at least the minimum required level of funding within the 14 day period, no loan will be made. If you want to try again, you do so by creating a new listing.
Increase your chances and get your money faster
Submit all requested information and documents as soon as possible. Keep an eye on your listing's Verification Stage icons, which tell you and potential investors how far along your loan application is in the verification process. The higher the Verification Stage, the more attractive your listing is to potential investors. Loans that reach Verification Stage 3 are much more likely to originate.
Loan Verification Process >
The listing will stay active until either it is fully funded or the 14 day listing period ends. If it does not receive at least the minimum required level of funding within the 14 day period, no loan will be made. If you want to try again, you do so by creating a new listing.
Increase your chances and get your money faster
Submit all requested information and documents as soon as possible. Keep an eye on your listing's Verification Stage icons, which tell you and potential investors how far along your loan application is in the verification process. The higher the Verification Stage, the more attractive your listing is to potential investors. Loans that reach Verification Stage 3 are much more likely to originate.
Loan Verification Process >